Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Home for the Holidays!!

I typically like to sit in front of classrooms, meetings and church services to minimize distractions.  This is what I did the first day of Biology 11.  I chose to sit in the second row, next to my wonderful Abbs M, who'd been on the Principal's List the last couple years in highschool.  That would've been great influence, plus I love this girl.

But then our teacher fatefully seated us alphabetically, so I ended up in the last row next to Carny W.  Here, we bonded over our teenage dramas, he manned up to accommodate my preference not to dissect anything, and we launched a friendship that continued for more than a decade.

And so I was able to go home for the holidays :) :)  Thanks to his endless efforts in our friendship, I officially have not missed any parties of DOOMs.


With Carn and the Birthday boys.
Finally, I wasn't alone with the West Coast.  There'snoplacelikehome.

 Super Dungeon Explore and smoked salmon at 5 in the morning.
Winn!!  You lose Redman!!
Early workers crashed on the couches in the back.

The aftermath at ihop, as per tradition.

The mild hangovers on our side of the table.

The epic team that made my trip happen.

I may not have aced Biology 11 as I had foolishly sought, but I was connected to this group of the most outrageous, dorky, clever, accepting and generous friends.

I am sooo so grateful and love you guys to widdle subatomic pieces!!